Police Intelligence: The Law Enforcement Agencies as Human Sensors


Marcello Trisolini
Keywords: Human Sensor, Police Intelligence, Background information, Police Humint, O.E.S. (observation, elicitation, surveillance)


La SOCINT pubblica il seguente lavoro di Marcello Trisolini in lingua inglese “Police Intelligence – The Law Enforcement Agencies as Human Sensors” lodandone il valore e l'innovatività dei contenuti. La prefazione è a cura di Mario Caligiuri.

Di seguito, ne presentiamo l'abstract in inglese.


"Excessive reliance on technological means in the gathering of information by the Intelligence Services and the Police forces, as proven time and time again, is not sufficient to prevent phenomena that threaten the security of a State or its citizens. The enormous amount of data collected in cyberspace not only poses complex problems of information management, analysis and evaluation, but also of its quality. In fact, more and more often the data are lacking contextual information, which is the only one that is sometimes able to pick up 'weak signals' that are dangerous to national security and public order. Mario Caligiuri states in the preface: 'Intelligence needs human skills, because it exercises logic, rationality, thinking. In this original and well-argued publication, the figure of the Human Sensor in police intelligence is outlined. The proposal of this profession can be considered as the new frontier in intelligence gathering, as successfully experimented by the US Army in the Second Gulf War'. The training of all police forces in OES techniques (observation, elicitation, surveillance) would greatly increase their information capacity, statistically giving them greater opportunities not only in the fight against organized crime, but also in institutional intelligence activities. In fact, we read in the preface: 'With these human instruments, both old problems, such as organized crime, and new ones, such as social unease, can be tackled'".

Police Intelligence
settembre 29, 2023 — Aggiornato il dicembre 16, 2023

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)
DOI (06)